Bhutan, often referred to as the Land of the Thunder Dragon, is a serene kingdom nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, bordered by Tibet to the north and India to the south. Spanning approximately 46,500 square kilometers, Bhutan’s diverse geography ranges from the towering high Himalayas in the north to the lush valleys and hills of the central region, down to the fertile foothills in the south. This geographical diversity brings about a variety of climates – from tropical in the foothills to temperate and alpine climates with monsoon influences in the higher elevations. Bhutan is a haven for nature enthusiasts, with over 65% of its territory covered in forests, home to a rich array of Himalayan flora and fauna, stunning white peaks, and verdant valleys.

Cultural Tours in Bhutan

Embark on a journey through Bhutan to experience its unique culture, religion, ecology, and way of life. Our cultural tours offer insights into Bhutan’s distinctive architecture, intricate paintings, unusual handicrafts, and the daily lives of its people. These tours are designed to introduce visitors to Bhutanese culture, including sacred dance festivals and pilgrimage sites, showcasing the aesthetic grandeur and spiritual depth of this beautiful country.

Featured Tours

Whether you’re drawn to Bhutan for its natural beauty, rich cultural heritage, or spiritual significance, our tailored tours promise an unforgettable exploration of this Himalayan kingdom. Please contact us to customize your journey and make your dream trip to Bhutan a reality.