Tsum Valley Manaslu Circuit Trek

Not Rated

Tour Type

Daily Tour

Group Size

31 people



The Tsum Valley Manaslu Circuit Trek, inaugurated in 1995 with Tsum Valley opening in 2008, leads you through a number of the foremost remote and delightful terrains in Nepal’s Himalayas over 21 days. This less-trodden path is ideal for adventurers seeking a journey aloof from crowded trails, offering a deep dive into the traditional realm of Lamaism.
The trek weaves through dynamic landscapes—ascending and descending lush rhododendron and bamboo forests, crossing the lively Budhi Gandaki River multiple times, and providing intimate encounters with native villages. Daily treks average around 6 hours, immersing you within the rich biodiversity of the Manaslu Conservation Area, where you may even spot the elusive big cat.
As you progress, the trek intensifies, but so does the wonder of the environment, transitioning through various climatic zones and offering spectacular views of towering peaks like Ganesh Himal, Sringi Himal, and therefore the formidable Mt. Manaslu. Historical stupas, chortens, and monasteries dot the trail, enriching the journey with cultural significance.
The Tsum Valley area, rugged and pristine, promises a more secluded experience. The Manaslu Circuit and Tsum Valley trek stand out for its or raw, untouched nature, removed from commercial influences, showcasing breathtaking landscapes of snow-capped mountains and expansive green meadows. The trek encapsulates the essence of an authentic Himalayan adventure, crossing high passes, navigating rugged moraines, and relishing the tranquility of alpine lakes.


  • Trek to Mount Manaslu Base Camp, exploring the world's eighth-highest peak.
  • Explore a novel, less-traveled trekking route for an immersive adventure.
  • Cross-suspension bridges and luxurious forests along the Budhi Gandaki River.
  • Discover stunning waterfalls, deep gorges, and rugged moraines on your trek.
  • Explore Tsum Valley and connect with the hospitable Tsumba community.
  • Observe Tibetan Buddhist practices and also the daily lifestyle of locals on your journey.
  • Visit the sacred Milarepa Piren Phu Cave on your exploration.
  • Explore ancient monasteries: Mu Gompa, Rachen Gompa, and Gompa Lungdang.
  • Conquer the challenging Larkya La and depart this world on your adventurous trek.
  • Witness breathtaking mountain views, diverse landscapes, and stunning glaciers.

Day 1: Arrival and welcome at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu (1350m/4375ft).
Day 1: Arrival and welcome at Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu (1350m/4375ft).

Upon your arrival, our airport team can escort you to your hotel. Search for them at the terminal gate; they'll be holding a nameplate for simple identification and can offer the primary warm welcome to Nepal on our behalf. Later within the evening, we'll gather for a welcome dinner, an ideal opportunity for us to fulfill. Before the dinner, take a while to unpack, rest, and if time permits, explore the world surrounding your hotel. Following the welcome dinner, you're invited to experience the colourful nightlife of Thamel. After enjoying what Thamel must offer, you'll be able to return to your hotel for a restful night's sleep.

Day 02: Sightseeing and preparation day in Kathmandu

Before we dive into the journey of the trek, we've arranged a guided sightseeing tour for you around Kathmandu. A warm and knowledgeable guide, together with a driver and car, is going to be able to pick you up from your hotel lobby at a pre-arranged time. The tour will cover significant historical sites like the Monkey Temple (Swayambhunath), Kathmandu Durbar Square, and Boudhnath Stupa, each offering a glimpse into Nepal's rich cultural heritage. Following the morning’s explorations and a lunch break, we'll convene at our office. This may be your opportunity to satisfy your mountain guide, who will introduce himself and supply a comprehensive briefing on the trek's itinerary. We'll proceed to pack the duffle bags and conduct an intensive check of all trekking gear to confirm you're fully prepared. Now also allows for any last-minute shopping, ensuring you've got all the essentials for the journey ahead. With preparations complete, we recommend taking the rest of the day to relax and rest up, gearing up for the exciting adventure that awaits.

Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Machha Khol (895m/2,975 ft)
Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Machha Khol (895m/2,975 ft)

Departing Kathmandu early within the morning, your journey begins on the Prithvi Highway, winding along the scenic Trishuli River. As you travel, the route is adorned with lush green hills, cascading waterfalls, and terraced fields, presenting a captivating landscape that epitomizes Nepal's natural beauty. Approaching the journey's end, the horizon expands to reveal breathtaking views of Himalayan giants like Manaslu, Annapurna, Ganesh Himal, and Langtang Himal, setting an impressive backdrop that hints at the journey to come back. The road to Arughat introduces a more rugged terrain, transitioning to a bumpy path until reaching Machha Khol, adding a way of adventure right from the beginning.

Day 04:Machha Khola to Jagat (1,415 m/4,635 ft)

Following Machha Khola, the trail meanders along the bank of the Budi Gandaki River, taking you thru a twisting path adorned with the natural great thing about lush forests. Here, the presence of monkeys and langurs adds a playful element to the serene environment. Progressing through the trail, you'll surpass Khorla Besi before making an ascent to Tatopani, a spot famed for its rejuvenating natural hot springs where you'll be able to pause for a well-deserved break. Continuing the journey, the trail challenges you with two bridge crossings over the Budhi Gandaki River, leading you to Doban. From now, the trek takes you past areas marked by landslides and thru the village of Yaruphant. the journey continues as you cross a wooden bridge, pushing forward towards Jagat. Jagat could be a Gurung village known for its rich culture and hospitality, serving as a gateway to the restricted areas of this trek. Here, you'll have to register your restricted area permit at the check post, marking a big milestone in your journey and officially ushering you into the guts of the Manaslu region's unparalleled beauty.

Day 05: Trek from Jagat to Ekle Bhatti (1,605 m/5,259 ft)

Crossing a span, we depart from Jagat and ascend to Salleri (1,353 m). Continuing, the trail steadily climbs to Sirdibas (1,420 m) alongside the Budhi Gandaki River. Just before Philim (1,570 m), we cross the river. Then, the trail leads upward to Ekle Bhatti.

Day 06: Trek from Ekle Bhatti to Chumling (2,705 m/8,859 ft)

Today, the trail becomes more remote and challenging. Trekking from Ekle Bhatti, we encounter a surprising waterfall flowing through a narrow gorge. As we ascend, the trail eventually splits, and that we veer right towards Tsum Valley. Passing through lush forests, we reach Lokpa (2,240 m). Crossing three suspension bridges over Lungwa Khola and Siyar Khola, the trail winds zigzaggingly with intermittent ascents and descents, leading us to Chumling.

Day 07: Trek from Chumling to Chhekampar, also called Chhokang Paro (3,037 m/9,955 ft)

Starting from Chumling, our trek begins with an hour-long ascent followed by a mild descent along a leveled path. Entering the enchanting Tsum Valley, we ascend to Kowo (2,630 m). The trail then descends before ascending over again to Chhokang Paro. Along the way, we're treated to breathtaking vistas of the Ganesh Himal range and encounter numerous ancient stupas.

Day 08: Trek from Chhekampar to Mu Gompa (3,700 m/12,137 ft) via Nile (3,361 m/11,029 ft)

The journey from Chhekampar to Mu Gompa could be a lengthy and less-traveled path. Ascending gradually, we reach Lamagaon at 3,302 meters, passing by a stupa along the way. Continuing, we cross a bridge over Shiar Khola and trek past Phurbe (3,251 m), crossing two more bridges before reaching Nile village (3,361 m). From there, a steep ascent leads us to Mu Gompa, offering breathtaking mountain panoramas. Mu Gompa holds profound religious significance and stands as a prominent highlight of the Tsum Valley trek.

Day 09: Trek back to Chhekampar (3,033 m/9,955 ft)

Today, we backtrack to Chhekampar. Following the familiar path, we descend to Phurbe (3,251 m). At now, two routes diverge towards Chhekampar. Choosing a variation, we can explore the traditional Ranchen Gompa (3,240 m). Along the way, we cross two bridges before arriving back at Chhekampar.

Day 10: Trek from Chhekampar to Lokpa (2,243 m/7,359 ft)

Setting off early from Chhekampar, we descend to Kowo, then navigate a series of ascents and descents back to Chumling. Retracing our steps, we descend from Chumling, cross a bridge, and traverse a zigzagging path, crossing two more bridges on the way to Lokpa. Even on the return journey, the vistas while descending remain awe-inspiring.

Day 11: Trek from Lokpa to Deng (1,863 m/6,105 ft)

Today marks our transition onto the Manaslu circuit. After crossing a bridge, we ascend to Nyak Phedi. Continuing upward, we cross two more suspension bridges spanning the Budhi Gandaki River, eventually arriving at Pewa. Trekking through bamboo forests, we ascend steeply to Deng, an enthralling Gurung village offering surreal views of Siringi Himal.

Day 12: Deng to Namrung (2,633 m/8,629 ft)

The trek advances, weaving through verdant farmlands before taking a dramatic intercommunicate cross the Budhi Gandaki River on a swaying span. The ascent to Rana offers a prelude to the deeper, secluded realms of the Budhi Gandaki valley. Traversing ancient forests dotted with mani stones, the trail to Ghap is both a physical journey and a spiritual passage. Venturing through Prok village, trekkers are treated to the majestic sight of Singri Himal, enhancing the trek's visual feast. Alongside the river, marked by numerous crossings, the trail is lined with dense forests and ancient stupas. This segment of the journey peaks with a challenging yet rewarding climb to Namrung, promising an unparalleled sense of feat and anticipation for the adventures that lie ahead.

Day 13: Namrung to Lho (3,183 m/10,439 ft)
Day 13: Namrung to Lho (3,183 m/10,439 ft)

Namrung, nestled within the center of the Himalayas, greets trekkers with its breathtaking vistas of Hiunchuli, Singri Himal, and Ganesh Himal. Mornings in Namrung are magical, offering panoramic mountain views paired with delicious breakfasts to start out the day. Post-breakfast, the journey to Lho begins, ascending steeply through alpine woods to succeed in Lihi village, where an obvious shift in vegetation and also the prominent influence of Tibetan Buddhism become evident. the trail is adorned with chortens and barley fields, showcasing the region's rich culture and agricultural practices. As we trek towards Low Village for our overnight stay, the magnificent Mt. Manaslu accompanies us, enhancing the journey's scenic beauty and serenity.

Day 14: Trek to Pung Gyen Gompa (4,805 m/15,759 ft) and walk to Samagaun (3,525 m/11,559 ft)
Day 14: Trek to Pung Gyen Gompa (4,805 m/15,759 ft) and walk to Samagaun (3,525 m/11,559 ft)

Departing from Low Village, our path winds through lush agricultural fields, bringing us closer to the essence of local life. We cross alittle stream emanating from the Punggung Glacier, making our way towards Sama Gaun. Today's journey includes a rewarding side trip to the traditional Pung Gyen Gompa, offering a deeper insight into the region's spiritual heritage amidst steep and uneven trails. Upon reaching Samagaun, a visit to the venerable Ribung Gompa is on the agenda, further immersing us within the area's rich Buddhist traditions. This segment of the trek not only challenges the body but also enriches the spirit, providing a novel blend of natural beauty and cultural depth.

Day 15: Acclimatization Day in Samagaun
Day 15: Acclimatization Day in Samagaun

In Samagaun, we take a well-deserved day of rest, recognizing the importance of acclimatization at this altitude, over 4,500 meters. Should the visit to Pung Gyen Gompa not have occurred the previous day, it's scheduled for today. Additionally, we're offered the chance for an enriching hike to Manaslu Base Camp and Birendra Lake, two significant highlights that showcase the region's exquisite natural beauty. Following our hike, we'll spend the rest of the day back in Samagaun, embracing a slower pace. Now allows us to relax, absorb the serene surroundings, and interact with the area people, further enriching our trekking experience.

Day 16: Samagaun to Samdo (3,875 m/12,713 ft)
Day 16: Samagaun to Samdo (3,875 m/12,713 ft)

Today unfolds as a mix of pleasure and scenic beauty as we depart from Samagaun. Our journey leads us across a pasture, ascending to command splendid views over the valley. We thread our way through serene juniper and birch forests, a testament to the area's rich biodiversity. Our descent brings us to the Budhi Gandaki riverbed, which we cross via a quaint wooden bridge. A steep move the opposite side of the river takes us to Samdo, a village that boasts stunning views of Mount Manaslu. This Tibetan refugee village is nestled amidst breathtaking scenery, offering a novel glimpse into the resilient spirit and culture of its inhabitants.

Day 17: Samdo to Larkya Phedi also called Dharamsala (4,480 m/14,698 ft)
Day 17: Samdo to Larkya Phedi also called Dharamsala (4,480 m/14,698 ft)

Descending from Samdo, the trail unfurls along the picturesque edges of hills and fields. We'll amble past ancient mani walls and cross the Budhi Gandaki River via a country wooden bridge. Our path then skirts the Athahra Saya River, aligning with the Larke River, adorned along the way with fluttering prayer flags and venerable mani walls. The journey advances through the Larkya Glacier, offering a feast of magnificent landscapes. As we meander round the Salkha Khola valley, the trail climbs to an altitude of 4,480 meters, reaching a stone guest house referred to as Larkya Phedi. This dormitory-like establishment stands amidst the grandeur of the Himalayas, with Mt. Manaslu asserting its dominance within the backdrop, encapsulating the majesty of the trek.

Day 18: Dharamsala to Bhimthang (3,725m/12,205 ft) by crossing Larkya La pass (5,065 m/16,729 ft)
Day 18: Dharamsala to Bhimthang (3,725m/12,205 ft) by crossing Larkya La pass (5,065 m/16,729 ft)

Today marks the top of our Manaslu Circuit Trek as we started out to cross the formidable Larkya La Pass. Departing from Dharamsala, also called Larkya Phedi, the trail leads us through a moraine, descending briefly to a serene lake, where we brace against the potential challenge of strong winds. The trail becomes rougher and fewer defined, navigating a steep, grassy slope on the side. Our journey continues along the moraine to an important edge, demarcated by two significant landmarks, guiding us toward four frozen lakes. A final, strenuous ascent from here brings us to the crest of Larkya La Pass, where the panoramic mountain vistas of Himlung Himal, Annapurna II, Mt. Kang Guru, and Cheo Himal are nothing wanting breathtaking. The descent from the pass is equally impressive, leading over the highest of a moraine and veering west through a steep bed of moraine, gradually descending to a grassy moraine. The trail then winds downhill to a quaint meadow, eventually opening up to an unlimited meadow, dotted with small houses and mani walls, guiding us to our destination of Bhimthang, encapsulating the essence of adventure and therefore the unparalleled fantastic thing about the Himalayas in our journey.

Day 19: Bimthang to Tilje (1,700 m/5,576 ft)
Day 19: Bimthang to Tilje (1,700 m/5,576 ft)

Having conquered the foremost challenging segment of the Manaslu Circuit Trek, the trail ahead is predominantly marked by descents. From Bhimthang, our route leads downward through verdant pastures, continuously unfolding before us. We cross the Dudh Khola River, immersing ourselves within the tranquil great thing about lush rhododendron forests. Our journey meanders through captivating river valleys and vibrant farmlands, painting an image of serene rural life. The trail then ascends gently to Gho village, a quaint settlement nestled within the heart of nature. From Gho, we proceed with our trek towards Tilje, where we are going to rest and spend the night, reflecting on the adventures behind us and anticipating the journey still to return.

Day 20: Trek to Dharapani and drive to Besisahar (760m/2,493 ft)

Departing Tilje with a hearty breakfast, our trail weaves through lush forests and terraced landscapes. Along the way, we cross several suspension bridges and encounter beautiful waterfalls, enhancing the journey's scenic allure. As we descend, the trail takes us through quaint settlements, each presenting splendid mountain vistas. Our trek concludes at Dharapani, where we transition from walking to vehicular travel, heading to Besisahar for our overnight stay, marking the top of an unforgettable walking adventure.

Day 21: Drive to Kathmandu (1,400 m/4,600 ft)

Departing Besisahar early, our repel to Kathmandu is long but graced with picturesque views of green hills, meandering rivers, and cascading waterfalls. Arriving in Kathmandu by late afternoon, you’ll have the rest of the day at leisure. Take this chance to wash and maybe from some window shop in Thamel, explore nearby tourist attractions, or enjoy a soothing spa visit. To celebrate our journey, Nature Heaven Treks and Expedition will host a farewell dinner within the late evening, where we'll share memories of our adventure.

Day 22: Final departure to the international airport

Having completed the Manaslu Circuit Trek, it’s time to journey onwards to your home or next adventure. Our airport team will facilitate your transfer to the international airport for your departure flight. We welcome your feedback and proposals and attempt to enhancing our services supported your insights. Safe travels!

Customize Trip

Allow our experts at Nature Heaven Treks and Expedition to help you Plan one of the most Memorable Vacations based on your interests with their in-depth knowledge of the Himalayas, they can craft the journey of your dreams considering your preferred location, time frame, and Budget

  • All the airport/ Hotel transfers
  • Hotel in Kathmandu, Thamel for 3 nights with the bed and breakfast
  • Well come and farewell dinner
  • Full-day Kathmandu city tour on private car/Van/ Bus
  • Professional govt. registered guide
  • Private Jeep transport from Kathmandu to Soti Khola
  • Sharing Jeep Tall (trekking ending Point) to Beshishar
  • Beshishar to Kathmandu by private Jeep/Car/Van/ Bus
  • Full meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) during the treks
  • All necessary paperwork Tsum Valley special permit Manaslu Special Permit ACAP and MCAP Permit
  • Supplementary snacks: seasonal fresh fruit, cookies, and energy bar
  • An English-speaking professional govt. registered trekking Guide and porter (2 trekkers 1 Porter) above the 4 trekkers 1 assistant Guide
  • Hot drinks (tea and coffee)
  • All the Mountain accommodations are comfortable private rooms with shared bathroom
  • Guide and Porter's salary, meals, accommodations, insurance, transport, and equipment
  • All the govt. and native taxes
  • A comprehensive medical kit.
  • Kathmandu city tour monument fees
  • Lunch and dinner in Kathmandu aside from welcome and farewell dinner
  • All the soft and alcoholic drinks
  • Mineral water
  • Boiled water
  • Personal expenses
  • Electronic device re-charge
  • Wi-Fi
  • Hot shower
  • Travel insurance and evacuation
  • Tipping

Tour's Location

Can you trek Tsum Manaslu without a guide?

No, you can't trek Tsum Valley and Manaslu without a guide, but it's recommended to hire one for safety and to manage permits and logistics.

How difficult is that the Tsum Valley Manaslu circuit trek?

The Tsum Valley Manaslu Circuit trek is considered challenging due to its high altitude, long distances, and steep terrain, requiring good fitness and acclimatization.

Is prior trekking experience required?

Prior trekking experience is highly recommended for the Tsum Valley Manaslu Circuit due to its challenging nature and the physical demands of high-altitude hiking.

Where does the Manaslu circuit Tsum Valley trek start?

The Manaslu Circuit Tsum Valley trek typically starts in Soti Khola, after a drive from Kathmandu, and progresses through diverse terrains to reach the valley.

Is Manaslu harder than Everest?

Manaslu is considered less commercialized and less crowded than Everest Base Camp but can be equally challenging due to its remote paths and higher altitudes.

How long is that the Manaslu Tsum Valley trek?

The Manaslu Tsum Valley trek spans about 20 to 25 days, covering a route that combines the Manaslu Circuit with the serene and remote Tsum Valley.

Which season is best for the Manaslu circuit and Tsum Valley trek?

The best seasons for the Manaslu Circuit and Tsum Valley trek are spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November), offering clear skies and stable weather.

Why is Manaslu famous?

Manaslu is famous for its stunning natural beauty, challenging trekking routes, rich cultural heritage, and being the world's eighth-highest mountain at 8,163 meters.

How do i buy to Tsum Valley?

To reach Tsum Valley, fly or drive from Kathmandu to Soti Khola, then begin the trek. Arrange permits and transportation in Kathmandu before departure.

What is the altitude of the Tsum Valley?

The Tsum Valley lies at altitudes ranging from about 1,900 meters at its lower end to around 3,700 meters at its upper reaches near Mu Gompa.

Is Tsum Valley worth it?

Tsum Valley is worth visiting for its pristine landscapes, unique Tibetan culture, and tranquil trekking experience away from more crowded routes in Nepal.

What is the very best point of the Manaslu circuit Tsum Valley trek?

The highest point of the Manaslu Circuit Tsum Valley trek is the Larkya La Pass, which reaches an elevation of approximately 5,106 meters (16,752 feet).

What are the highlights of the Tsum Valley Manaslu Trekking?

Highlights of the Tsum Valley Manaslu Trekking include:

- Rich Tibetan-influenced culture and ancient monasteries
- Stunning landscapes and remote villages in Tsum Valley
- Majestic views of Ganesh Himal, Sringi Himal, and Mount Manaslu
- Crossing the challenging Larkya La Pass
- Serene, less-crowded trails
- Diverse flora and fauna
- Unique cultural experiences and traditional hospitality

What should I pack for Tsum Valley Manaslu Trekking?

For Tsum Valley Manaslu Trekking, pack:

- Warm clothing layers
- Waterproof jacket and pants
- Trekking boots
- Sleeping bag
- Sunscreen and sunglasses
- Water purification tablets
- First aid kit
- Snacks and a reusable water bottle
- Trekking poles
- Hat and gloves
- Map and compass
- Portable charger
- Lightweight backpack
- Headlamp with extra batteries
- Personal toiletries and medications

Is altitude sickness a concern on the Trekking?

Yes, altitude sickness is a concern on the Manaslu Trekking, especially when crossing high passes like Larkya La. Proper acclimatization and awareness of symptoms are crucial.


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